Dealer Services Kit

Thank you for your interest in American Two-Way Dealer services. Please share your business contact information with us below so we may send you a Dealer Kit.
For further questions please call (800) 821-8200.

  • Headquarters

    Headquartered in
    Southern California

    Office: (800) 821-8200

  • Service Area

    American Two-Way provides interactive monitoring services to dealers and organizations across North America. 

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Control Your Accounts With Web and Mobile Access

As a dealer partner of American Two-Way, you can have access to all your customer accounts from any internet-capable device: computer, tablet or smartphone. Simply log into your account to access all your data, including:

  • Specific customer security events.
  • Customer activity reports.
  • New and updated customer lists.
  • Put accounts on and off test.

"A Step Beyond The State of the Art for the Security Industry"

- SDM Magazine

Call (800) 821-8200 Today.

In addition to being featured in almost every industry trade magazine for the last 40 years, American Two-Way Interactive Monitoring has won numerous awards for customer service and recognized by major media outlets worldwide.